BFF 2015: “One Step Aside”, France
Bulgarian screening premiere of the film:
“Un Pas De Côté”/ “One Step Aside”, France. 2013, Damien Artero, 28’
Distant adventures, long-term travels, Damien loves them. But he does not think it necessary to cross 36 meridians for the thrill of exploration and discovery to be at the “rendez-vous”.
In 2012, he initiated a series of small-scale local adventures, the first chapter being written in Chartreuse. With two friends, two athletes, he ran across the mountains from Chambéry to Grenoble : full autonomy, no marked trails, nor, for sure, roads or tracks. No, the program of this short trip was of pure off-road running, and old trails the human world had forgotten…
Through the eyes of Damien, those of his fellow runners and colorful characters they meet, we rediscover the mountains from home. We just need to make one step aside…