“Encordés “/ “Roped”, France
Bulgarian premiere:
“Encordés “/ “Roped”
Country: France
Year: 2021
Director: Pierre Cadot
Duration: 55 mins
Description: The Chamonix guides company is at the heart of the history of alpinism. Founded 200 years ago, It is the oldest and largest guides bureau in the world. 200 years of turning mountain dreams into reality.; For 200 years, Chamonix guides have been achieving and surpassing goals – bringing worldwide notoriety to their organisation. Successive challenges, development of ethics and significant technical progress have carved strong values into the rock. Solidarity, courage, the ability to adapt.; These values shape lives, above and beyond simply climbing mountains. The guides are at the heart of life in the mountains, being both actors and spectators of the changing landscape – witnessing the impact of the climate crisis, rising popularity, changes in access.; This film tells the story from the beginning of alpinism to the present day, with guides now facing their greatest challenge since the start of their profession – seeing their dreams crumble with the mountains themselves, due to the impact of severe climate change.; In this story, we are all roped together.