Karl Gabl (Austria)

Karl Gabl

Dr. Karl Gabl, the ace meteorologist who has saved countless lives with his precise weather updates, is one of the necessary consultants on every high profile expedition in the climbing world.

His anomalously accurate and spot-on weather reports have helped innumerable climbers and mountaineers to finalize their schedule and avoid unforeseen circumstances which could have easily claimed their lives. Austrian meteorologist and mountaineer . He is known to the court counselor and meteorology experts for his weather reports ORF in regional studio Tyrol and its forecasts for high altitude climbers in the world.
Born on December 21st, 1946, Gabl started off as a climber and completed his training as a mountain guide. He successfully claimed several peaks in the Alps, both some small as well as some of the taller ones including Monte Rosa and the north walls of the Ortler , King Peak and Big pinnacleHe was also able to succesfully ski descent from Noshak, the highest mountain in Afghanistan (7485m). Alongside fullfilling his passion for climbing, Gabl continued his studies and graduated from the University of Innsbruck in Meteorology and acquired his Ph.D. in Meteorology and Philosophy in the year 1976. He was elected as the head of regional office in Innsbruck the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics(“ZAMG”). He kept the lead until he retired at the end of 2011. Gabl’s weather reports gained immense importance with the start of Winter Alpinisim in the year 1987. Wit his precise predictions regarding the wind speed and temperature forecasts at high altitudes, he played elementary role in the success of various expeditions on the trecherous 8000ers in Himalayas and Karakorum. Italian climber Simone Moro, considered as the finest Winter climber in the world, hailed Gabl’s predicitons during his attempt at Makalu in the year 2009 and again at Gasherbrum-2 in 2011. Moro said while attempting for the Makalu peak in 2009:

“The weather is perfect, no clouds, but still strong wind above 7000 meters. Who say that? Karl Gabl, our forecast” guru” of Innsbruck. The weather forecast is like the faith in GOD. You either believe in Him, or don’t. Believing just sometimes is the worst thing in alpinism, so since the beginning of the expedition I decided to believe completely and follow Karl Gabl’s forecast and I am doing it since 2003.”.

In his capacity as a Meteorologist at ZAMG he supplied annually 50-60 expeditions with free forecasts.

Gabl is married with two children. He lives in Innsbruck.




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