Film program – 23 Septmeber, Thursday
23 September, Thursday
BIG HALL, Culture Center “Nikola Vapcarov”
13:30 / 14:54 – Astrid, Spain, 2020, Marc Galver Lacruz, 54`
Astrid’s story is of the calamity of a life-changing incident. Astrid was living a quiet, modest life until a near fatal accident caused the amputation of her right foot. After numerous tests, trials and obstacles, Astrid came out on the other side holding a Paralympic medal to show for all her effort. Her story speaks of her emotional and professional journey, which inevitably transformed her so that the Astrid at the end is a changed person from who she was at the start of all her endeavours. The accident, the 13 surgeries that followed, the decision to amputate, getting up and walking again, pushing through the frustrations of the first disastrous descents and the enormous life effort it took to just keep going. This is Astrid. |There’s also another story that shows us that what matters is less where we begin or where we go, but what happens to us on this journey; how we live through all the moments during it and what we do with it when we arrive. A narrative with, at one end a broken young woman and at the other, an Olympian on the floor crying with many accrued emotions with her Paralympian medal.
14:54 / 15:02 – Gdy nie widzę /In darkness, Poland, 2020, Krzysztof Świderski, 7`
Documentary impression about going down into the cave. Speleologist is facing the darkness inside the earth.
15:02 / 15:30 – Wetter Stein Grat/Wetterstein Ridge, Austria, 2018, Jakob Schweighofer, 26`
Michi Wohlleben, German professional mountaineer has set the benchmark high. He intends to cross the Wetterstein Ridge in a non-stop go – without any break. Ahead of him lies an immense amount of exposed and fragile ridge climbing. Not only physical strength and endurance are necessary for this undertaking, but mental stamina and concentration is what you need when moving through this alpine demanding terrain over such a long period of time. Mistakes are not allowed. Months before the action takes place, he undergoes a hard, structured training. Discipline is needed to sustain the recurring training sessions that gradually increase. He learns to stay focused and agile, even when his body screams for exhaustion. Actually, this is what the Wetterstein Ridge will force on him.
15:30 / 17:30 – почивка/break – Виж изложби/See exhibitions
TURZESTVENA HALL, Culture Center “Nikola Vapcarov”
11:30 / 12:15 – Loïc et les Flolopapys/Loic and the Flolopapys, Belgium, 2019, Dominique Snyers, 45`
Twenty two year old Loic has become a passionate climber after having received his first pair of climbing shoes at age six. Together with Florian, Pablo and Pierre, they form the inseparable “Flolopapys”. Watch as they take on climbing adventures where they support and complement each other like a band of brothers with humor, friendship and fragility. But can Loic use the Flolopapys energy to overcome his haunting fear of heights as he confronts some of the toughest climbs on the planet? Loic and the Flolopapys invite you to embark on a very human adventure.
12:15 – 13:30 – break
13:30 / 14:31 – Le Monde de Gaston Rebuffat, France, 2010, Gilles Chappaz, Denis Steinberg, 51’
Special program – 100 years Gaston Rebuffat
Gran Prix – Bansko film fest 2009
14:31 / 14:50 – The lost Vitosha, Bulgaria, 2019, Nikola Bagarov, 18`
In the autumn days of 2019, a group of young people celebrate one year, since Vitosha is inaccessible to cyclists. In search of the lost Vitosha for them, they realized a project showing the difficult access to the mountain after the stop of our well-known lift: “Bai Krastyo”. “The Lost Vitosha” is a film starring the brothers Stoyan Peychinov and Yavor Peychinov (we know them as Tanetsa and Yavkata) and their friend Joan Neychev (one of the top riders in Bulgaria for the last few years), Maria Ranglelova and Baba Toshka, from the shelter of Bai Krastyo. It was directed and shot by Nikola Bagarov, better known for the winter short documentary: “Perception Of Freedom”. This is not just another bike movie with good riding (although there is such!), because its creators want to emphasize a social problem – that in recent years Vitosha is becoming increasingly difficult for people, who want to practice sports there actively and use it for relaxing.
14:50 / 14:58 – Abrazar las estrellas/Embracing the stars, Spain, 2020, Christopher Sánchez & Mario Cervantes, 8`
Javier is deaf-blind but he is willing to live the adventure and climb to the top to fulfill his dream: to embrace the stars.
14:58 / 15:06 – Gando, Iran, 2020, Teymour Ghaderi, 8`
Due to water scarcity, girls in the Sistan and Baluchestan province of Iran must travel far from their village to get water. Most of the watering holes are inhabited by a type of Iranian crocodile called Gando. Gando is the story of Hawa, a 9 year old girl who lost part of her arm to a Gando while fetching water. Nevertheless, she and others of this province honor the Gandos. They believe when there is a Gando, there is Water.
15:06 / 15:20 – El gran hito/The Great Milestone, Spain, 2020, Ignasi Lopez Fàbregas, 13`
A well-off mountaineer’s hobby is reaching the summits of the highest mountains. He has one last goal to accomplish in order to complete this special collection: that impossible summit, the one he is determined to climb, whatever it takes. | A woman bored of waiting for her husband to return from his excitement-packed mountain escapades has decided to seek some adventure of her own and attempt a more modest ascent. Being a woman, she will have to overcome obstacles that will prove to be more difficult than actually reaching the summit. The destinies of both characters will come together as they pursue their respective goals.
15:20 /16:15 – Ritorno all’eden perduto/Return to lost Eden, Switzerland, Italy, Adriano Zecca, 55`
“По следите на едно лудо приключение се озовах в една износена местна лодка на дълго мечтаният остров Сиберут от архипелага Ментауей, на 90 мили западно от Суматра, Индонезия.” – през 1969 г. тогава 24 годишният Адриано Зека вписва кратка бележка в пътния си дневник по време на невероятно приключение из мистериозните малко известни кътчета на земята. Това изключително преживяване, споделено с местната непокътната общност, дава началото на неговата работа като документалист. През юли 2019 г. след половин век пътувания, репортажи и документални филми, една удовлетворяваща кариера, която го води по целия свят, италианският режисьор е измъчван от един въпрос от миналото: “Какво стана с малкия остров Сиберут и с местните “хора на цветята”, които го населяваха?” Този филм е опит за отговор на този въпрос, но най-вече е едно емоционално завръщане и намирането на житейски баланс. След петдесет години Адриано Зека се връща по стъпките на първото си пътуване, заедно със семейството си – с жена си Магда, испанска художничка, и с двамата си сина – Елой, кинематограф и Раул, антрополог.
16:15 /17:30 – break – See exhibitions
17:30 / 19:00 – See presentations Big Hall
CENTRAL SQUARE “Nikola Vapcarov”
19:40 / 20:46 – Salto je kral/ Salto is the King, Slovakia, 2020, Pavol Barabas, 64`
Abseiling of the highest waterfalls in the world is the challenge for a group of friends. They want to fuse with the water element. Their expeditions are journeys into the unknown. The power of their friendship is the only certainty. Is it enough to abseil the highest waterfalls of the world?
20:46 / 21:00 – The KFC, New Zealand , 2020, Richard Sidey, 15`
Five Kiwis take on a paragliding adventure in Tanzania, | with the ultimate aim to fly from the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro.
21:00 / 22:20 – Cholitas, Spain, 2020, Jaime Murciego, Pablo Iraburu, 80` – най-награждаван планинарски филм на 2020
Five Bolivian indigenous women are involved in a unique expedition. As a symbol of liberation and empowerment, they propose to climb the highest mountain in America.