The film "ANORI, Inuit windsled" with an attentive look and an exciting narrative, immerses us in the journey of the "SOS Arctic 2022" expedition, led by the renowned polarist Ramón Larramendi. This documentary shows the bravery of the explorers and scientists embarked on this journey through Greenland. The “SOS Arctic 2022” expedition takes us on an unprecedented journey through Greenland. More than 1000 km traveled in the southern part of this frozen continent driven by the Wind Sled, the only zero-emission vehicle in the world for polar expeditions. The expedition carried out 2 scientific projects, one from the UAM (Autonomous University of Madrid) and another from the Madrid Astrobiology Center, collecting essential data to understand the impact of climate change in these polar regions. Furthermore, during the Expedition a geological phenomenon was discovered that was not mapped on the maps, a new Nunataq (in Inuit it means "island that emerges from the ice") that has appeared due to the melting of the ice in the areas closest to the coasts of Greenland. Ramón Larramendi, a legend in the polar field, has successfully led ten expeditions with the Wind Sled in Antarctica and the Arctic. Now, with “ANORI, Inuit windsled” their eleventh expedition comes to life on the big screen.