Film program – 23 September, Friday
23 September, Friday
Big Hall
13:00 / 14:24 – One for the River: The Sava Story/ Ena za Reko: Zgodba Save, 2022, Slovenia, Rožle Bregar, 84`
She carves canyons, fertilizes fields, creates playgrounds, nesting grounds and deep pools. People drink her water, write poems about her, harness her energy, and fight over her. The Sava River is a liquid connection between 4 countries and countless ecosystems. Float alongside four mischievous kayakers as they paddle across Slovenia sampling water, surveying birds and getting to know the Sava; her wild past, dark history, colorful present and uncertain future.
14:24 / 15:00 – L’ escalade libérée/ Freed Climb, 2020, France, Benoît Regord, 26`
Antoine Le Menestrel, former high level climber, tells us with sincerity and sensitivity, his story at the cliff of Buoux, France and his vision of climbing today. From his discovery of Buoux being very young with his brother and his parents, he will discover this cliff and the work of opening up routes. A part of the history of climbing is written here in Buoux, notably with the “Parisian band” of which he is part and the first 8A. Antoine also tells us about his state of mind at that time, his questions about the meaning of life, of his life.He goes back in routes like “Rêve de papillon”, “La rose des sables” or even “La rose et le vampire” to guide us. At 55, he expresses his climbing, as a freed climbing. Freed from the constraints linked to the ethics of climbing, this ethics of which he was himself the missionary when he was younger.Learn to love the path, and not the goal, take care of your body and share the climb. A sensitive and aesthetic documentary, which shows climbing from another angle.
15:00 / 16:00 – break – See exhibitions
Turzestvena Hall
11:30 – 12:50 – The Red House, 2021, Italy, Francesco Catarinolo, 81`
In East Greenland an whole generation is on the brink of extinction while another is being born.; The Red House tells the life story of Italian adventurer Robert Peroni who in Greenland has given new meaning to his life by helping the last hunter people in Europe.; Seal pelts and meat can no longer be traded, so the hunters lost their only source of livelihood.; The Danes wanted to give all Greenlanders the same opportunities for education and health care as they had. Hunting families were relocated to new villages within permanent homes. But they had to give up their semi-nomadic lives.; In recent years, this has led to increased rates of alcoholism, depression, and suicide. In addition, some behavioral patterns are still engrained in people’s minds and are difficult to eradicate. These include child abuse as well as high suicide rates among young people. Inserting himself into this story, in which everyone seems to have acted for the good but in which everyone seems to have failed, is Robert Peroni. He became famous as an extreme explorer in the 1980s, exploring the limits of human performance. Peroni was the first person to cross Greenland’s ice sheet on foot at its widest point.; During this expedition, he fell in love with Greenland and its people. So he decides to give up the hunt for fame and money and moves here with a new mission: to save the last hunter people of Europe from extinction.; In Tasiilaq, population 2.000, the largest settlement in eastern Greenland, Robert founded the Red House in 1994, which is both a bed & breakfast for foreigners and a shelter for locals in need. Young people in particular go to the Red House when they can’t find a way out of their problems, including 17-year-old Laila, who was abused as a child, and 25-year-old Illanguaq, who dreams of becoming a woman.; Every family has victims to mourn, especially in East Greenland, where the winter is as particularly long as the nature is particularly beautiful.; Robert Peroni wants to offer a future to these people by adopting a model of sustainable tourism that he inherited from his homeland, South Tyrol. Peroni is convinced that not only the locals will benefit, but also his guests: “We can learn more from the Inuit than they can from us.
12:50 / 13:30 – break
13:30 / 14:25 – Encordés / Roped, 2021, France, Pierre Cadot, 55`
The Chamonix guides company is at the heart of the history of alpinism. Founded 200 years ago, It is the oldest and largest guides bureau in the world. 200 years of turning mountain dreams into reality.; For 200 years, Chamonix guides have been achieving and surpassing goals – bringing worldwide notoriety to their organisation. Successive challenges, development of ethics and significant technical progress have carved strong values into the rock. Solidarity, courage, the ability to adapt.; These values shape lives, above and beyond simply climbing mountains. The guides are at the heart of life in the mountains, being both actors and spectators of the changing landscape – witnessing the impact of the climate crisis, rising popularity, changes in access.; This film tells the story from the beginning of alpinism to the present day, with guides now facing their greatest challenge since the start of their profession – seeing their dreams crumble with the mountains themselves, due to the impact of severe climate change.; In this story, we are all roped together.
14:25 / 14:33 – Melting landscapes glaciers, 2021, Spain, Pepe Molina Cruz, 8`
The documentary, Melting Landscapes – Glaciers, showing the slow, but constant mel- ting of our earth’s glaciers and its relationship with climate change, was shot in Antarctica, Argentina, Chile, Greenland and Iceland.; The study of our planet’s glaciers is key to understanding climate change.; Glaciers store 75% of our fresh water, reflect excess heat back to space and keep our planet cool.; A small air bubble trapped in ice millions of years ago possesses valuable information about past climate and analysing them provides direct data on when they were created.; Global warming is causing accelerated fusion of Arctic ice, the Greenland mantle and the most vulnerable regions of Antarctica, altering their habitats, ocean currents and the climate worldwide.; In listening to our earth’s glaciers recede in a disturbing silence, we are witnessing a change with no return, as each disappearing small ice particle slowly takes us one step closer to uncertain alteration.
14:33 / 15:03 – Zenerù, 2021, Italy, Andrea Grasselli, 30`
At the end of the winter, Flaminio, a resistant shepherd, prepares materially and spiritually for the arrival of the spring through daily rituals, using the tools he built for himself: he moves and sows the ground, shears the sheep and makes a woolen suit for the new season. The communities of the valley chase the winter away with cowbells and bonfires through the ritual of Scasada dol Zenerù, which is inserted into the story of the shepherd’s life as a dreamlike element that draws on an ancestral memory. Flaminio’s sensitivity, strongly connected to Nature, allows him to perceive when it is time to call the community to act, starting the ritual.
15:03 / 15:37 – Aware 哀れ,2022, Spain, Gerard Olivé, 34`
Aware is a Japanese word, it is a “mono no aware” concept that means: The deep feeling caused by the ephemeral beauty of nature, I think this concept perfectly reflects the bivouac philosophy, enjoy those little ephemeral moments that give the mountain See how the sun hides behind a sea of snowy mountains, the colors of the sunset, which change every minute that passes, that precise moment when you see the first rays of the sun after spending long hours inside your bag. Moments that make you feel totally happy, even for those small and ephemeral moments and that is for me the bivouac, the search for happiness.
15:37 /16:00 – break – See exhibitions
16:00 / 20:30 – See presentations program – Big Hall
Central Square “Nikola Vapcarov”
20:30 / 22:12 – The Sanctity of Space, 2022, USA, Renan Ozturk, Freddie Wilkinson, 102`
Brad Washburn was the greatest aerial mountain photographer of all time. Hanging out the open door of an airplane, he flew above unmapped mountain ranges, capturing iconic images. More than eighty years after Washburn first photographed Denali from the air, climbing buddies Renan Ozturk and Freddie Wilkinson look at some of Washburn’s images and have this crazy idea: rather than go up, their dream is to go sideways — across the range’s most forbidding peaks, the Mooses Tooth massif. Filmed over a period of five years, THE SANCTITY OF SPACE brings together visual elements of the highest order – from Washburn and Adams’s stunning large format black and white photographs to state-of-the-art helicopter cinematography to space photography – with an unforgettable story spanning generations. It’s both a white-knuckle adventure tale, and a celebration of the spirit of exploration.