BFF 2014: “Farewell to Sontga Maria: after five generation the Solivas are leaving the Lukmanier Pass”
“Adia Sontga Maria- suenter 5 generaziuns bandunan ils Solivas il Lucmagn”/ “Farewell to Sontga Maria: after five generation the Solivas are leaving the Lukmanier Pass”, Switzerland, 2013, Eligi Derungs, 25’
The name of Soliva will soon be confined to the history of the Hospezi Santa Maria inn on the Lukmanier Pass. Gabriela and Gion Lutz-Soliva have decided to sell it. It isn’t easy for them: the Soliva family has been running the inn for 135 years. 20 years ago Gabriela Lutz-Soliva and her husband bought the building from Disentis Abbey. Their three children are unwilling or unable to carry on the family tradition, so – like it or not – Gabriela and Gion Lutz-Soliva have no choice but to sell their hotel and say a sad farewell to Sontga Maria. The Soliva era is coming to an end.